Full article: Calcium-doped magnetic humic acid nano particles for the efficient removal of heavy metals from wastewater: the role of Ca
Full article: Calcium-doped magnetic humic acid nano particles for the efficient removal of heavy metals from wastewater: the role of Ca,Full article: Calcium-doped magnetic humic acid nano particles for the efficient removal of heavy metals from wastewater: the role of Ca,Recent development in the synthesis of agricultural and forestry biomass-derived porous carbons for supercapacitor applications: a review | Ionics,Recent development of biomass-derived carbons and composites as electrode materials for supercapacitors - Materials Chemistry Frontiers (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C9QM00348G,Recent progress in and prospects for supercapacitor materials based on metal oxide or hydroxide/biomass-derived carbon composites - Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D1SE01170G